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Archive for the 'Shows' Category

23 Mar

TLI Episode 052: March 23, 2011

Just a week shy of a milestone, not one based on weightloss, just based on hangin’ around on the planet. Weigh-in this week is 373.6.  I’m down over 31 lbs. since Christmas! Still have a way to go, but this journey has begun and I’m VERY happy to be on it.

04 Mar

TLI Episode 051: March 4, 2011

This week’s weigh-in: 376.2.  Only down .6 lbs, but that’s all heading in the right direction. Thanks for listening!

25 Feb

TLI Episode 050: February 24, 2011

Wow… it’s been a while. I hope that I can keep up with it this time and I hope that my recent successes can inspire me to keep losing and to keep recording!

01 Oct

TLI Episode 049: October 1, 2010

Quick show notes because I’m rushing to get out the door to Archon. Thanks for listening!

23 Sep

TLI Episode 048: September 23, 2010

Guess who’s back! Yeah, after a 10 month TLI recording hiatus, I’ve returned to my best most successful tool for losing weight. I mentioned in this episode that I was interviewed elsewhere talking about TLI and my journey. That interview can be found here.

20 Nov

TLI Episode 047: November 18, 2009

No one wrote the show notes live for this one, so I’ll just give you the quick rundown. It’s been a rough week personally and for the diet. Also, no workouts. I’ll let the episode tell the story. It’s a short one. Tony’s Stats Weight: 388.2 lbs (-.6 lbs!) To Go: 138.2 lbs in 71 […]

12 Nov

TLI Episode 046: November 11, 2009

(Note: if you have Google Wave let me know and you can help with the show notes too. This week’s show notes come to us from The Great Mr. Chibi himself.) In this episode, Tony takes a break from weight to talk a little bit about Veteran’s Day and what it means to him. Tony’s […]

04 Nov

TLI Episode 045: November 4, 2009

Here we go. Another episode. This is a short one as I was kinda tired. The thing toward the end that I forgot to mention was that I’ve worked my way, unintentionally, off of caffeine. I don’t know how long it will last, but I’m going to be going the water route for a while. […]

28 Oct

TLI Episode 044: October 28, 2009

Take a listen and hear all about my progress and the roadblocks I bounced up against this week. Feel free to send email to tony@tony’slosingit.com (remove the apostrophe) … leave a comment on the website… or send me a voicemail at 618-207-4747. Thanks for joining me on the journey. 143.6 to go.

21 Oct

TLI Episode 043: October 21, 2009

I’m baaaaaa-aaack. Take a listen and hear all about 250 by 40… unless you’ve already looked at the website and seen the breakdown of the plan. Feel free to send email to tony@tony’slosingit.com (remove the apostrophe) … leave a comment on the website… or send me a voicemail at 618-207-4747. Thanks for joining me on […]

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