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01 Oct

TLI Episode 049: October 1, 2010

Quick show notes because I’m rushing to get out the door to Archon.

Thanks for listening!

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 049: October 1, 2010”

  1. 1
    Dani in NC Says:

    I hope you stick to your goal to walk around the lake a few times at the con. I’m coming back on Monday to check on you!

    I’ve been doing Weight Watchers since May, and I finally met my goal of 10 activity points in a week. I was trying different things like Wii Fit and all manner of exercise videos, but I didn’t stick with them. I would always exercise at the beginning of the week, but by Wednesday I would be like, “Screw this!” When I went back to something as simple as taking a walk around the block on my lunch break, my weight loss got going again. So take that walk!

  2. 2
    Tony Says:

    I didn’t walk around the lake on Saturday Morning because it was raining.

    The hotel did, however have a small workout facility, so I did a 30 minute “calorie burning” set walk on the treadmill. It cycled through various speeds and angles on the machine and I used that to kick off my first full day at the con on the right foot.

    It really gave me a lot of energy and brightened what I knew was going to be a long and busy day.

    Plus with the festivities the night before, it helped clear my system and helped me clear some of the smoke that I took in the night before while I hungout with my friends.

    All in all it was a VERY fun weekend and I feel REALLY good that I was able to get that workout in.

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