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25 Feb

TLI Episode 050: February 24, 2011

Wow… it’s been a while.

I hope that I can keep up with it this time and I hope that my recent successes can inspire me to keep losing and to keep recording!

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 050: February 24, 2011”

  1. 1
    sergiou2 Says:

    My BMI makes me morbidly obese. I just turned 50 and need to be around a lot less (…see what I did there?). Sounds like you got a good start with the diet changes.

  2. 2
    Tony Says:

    Thanks for listening, Sergio! Yeah, being around a lot less is something that is a necessity. I think it helps that I’m also not “dieting”, I’m eating differently, I’m being more creative with my meals and I’m just not eating more than I need. It’s a change in thinking more than a change in eating.

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