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21 Oct

TLI Episode 043: October 21, 2009

I’m baaaaaa-aaack.

Take a listen and hear all about 250 by 40… unless you’ve already looked at the website and seen the breakdown of the plan.

Feel free to send email to tony@tony’slosingit.com (remove the apostrophe)
… leave a comment on the website…
or send me a voicemail at 618-207-4747.

Thanks for joining me on the journey.

This episode is brought to you by Tony’s new hat. For all things awesome, try Tony’s new hat.

148.2 to go.

One Response to “TLI Episode 043: October 21, 2009”

  1. 1
    GeekFit Links of the week October 30, 2009 Says:

    […] [from Jason Tucker] Tony’s Losing It » Blog Archive » TLI Episode 043: October 21, 2009 […]

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