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28 Oct

TLI Episode 044: October 28, 2009

Take a listen and hear all about my progress and the roadblocks I bounced up against this week.

Feel free to send email to tony@tony’slosingit.com (remove the apostrophe)
… leave a comment on the website…
or send me a voicemail at 618-207-4747.

Thanks for joining me on the journey.

143.6 to go.

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 044: October 28, 2009”

  1. 1
    Margie Says:

    Congrats on a big loss this week! You are doing great. Your determination is keeping me going in MY final days of “losing it” LOL

  2. 2
    Ed from Texas Says:

    Good to hear you’re moving in the right direction. It’s funny. I’ve not exercised much in the last two weeks between either myself being sick, or the kids or wife being sick and needing to be taken care of. It certainly doesn’t feel like I’ve been eating any better, but I’ve managed to drop a few pounds anyway.

    Keep on it, Tony!

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