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12 Nov

TLI Episode 046: November 11, 2009

(Note: if you have Google Wave let me know and you can help with the show notes too. This week’s show notes come to us from The Great Mr. Chibi himself.)

In this episode, Tony takes a break from weight to talk a little bit about Veteran’s Day and what it means to him.

Tony’s Stats
Weight: 388.8 lbs (-2 lbs!)
To Go: 138.8 lbs in 72 weeks.

Honor Flight
“Based on recent 2008 statistics, we are losing World War II veterans at the rate of approximately 1,000 per day. Honor Flight Network will continue do whatever it takes to fulfill the dreams of our veterans and help our senior heroes travel absolutely free.
Subsequent to the World War II veterans, our efforts will then focus on our Korean War and then Vietnam War veterans, honoring them similarly.”

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