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Archive for the 'News' Category

26 Sep

TLI Hiatus – As if you couldn’t tell.

Hey folks. I meant to do get this message out to you much, much earlier, but things got out of hand pretty quickly. The title says it all. This podcast (I’m posting this to both TLI and FBSD) is on hiatus. As you may, or may not, know my wife is pregnant with our second […]

20 Jun

News: Reality of Biggest Loser

I was always surprised by the amount of weight these folks would lose week after week. Hearing this really concerns me that some people may be wrecking themselves on this journey. The point is to get HEALTHIER. Destroying your body just to lose weight doesn’t make any sense. If it did, going in to get […]

12 Jun

News: Americans disconnected with their Diet IQs

We have a problem. A couple of them actually. One of our problems is that we know what we are supposed to do. “Breakfast is important to a healthy diet.” But according to a new survey, over half of us don’t eat breakfast. Another problem is that a lot of us don’t know the difference […]

23 May

News: New weight-loss drug advertises honestly?

GlaxoSmithKline is preparing to launch the first over-the-counter diet pill to be approved by the FDA. The drug is scheduled to hit the market next month and will be called alli. The marketing for this drug will include the message that you must diet and exercise to get the affect of this pill. We all […]

16 May

News: On the right track!

A research study from the Archives of Internal Medicine’s current issue has published the results of a one year study that finds advice from internet-based sources work as well as those from printed sources in getting sedentary adults to begin a regular exercise program. The published study is available for a fee from the Archives […]

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