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26 Sep

TLI Hiatus – As if you couldn’t tell.

Hey folks. I meant to do get this message out to you much, much earlier, but things got out of hand pretty quickly.

The title says it all.

This podcast (I’m posting this to both TLI and FBSD) is on hiatus.

As you may, or may not, know my wife is pregnant with our second child.

This pregnancy hasn’t been as easy as the first. Not that it’s been horrible or anything, but it’s had its moments.

Julie has been placed on bedrest and is currently in the hospital. She’ll be there until the baby is born.

The baby will likely be induced on or near November 4th. This is five weeks early. There are complications that could arise from an early delivery, but there are complications that could arise from Julie carrying the baby too long.

Let me stress… Julie’s fine, the baby is fine… so far. That could change and we are currently on standby mode.

I’d have recorded something and posted it, but time… being what it is… has left me a bit short-handed. I’m single parenting, working full-time and spending as much time as I can trying to keep my wife sane while she is stuck in the hospital. Something had to give and logically, it was the podcasting.

Now, don’t fret… I’ll be back. I just need a few weeks to get this baby delivered and get her home… which might not happen for a few weeks after she makes her grand entrance.

Thank you all for understanding.
More movie reviews and weightloss to follow very soon.

2 Responses to “TLI Hiatus – As if you couldn’t tell.”

  1. 1
    Lowell Says:

    Tony – I hope all of you are all doing well or at least as well as can be expected! And that Julie and the baby will be healthy and home soon. Maybe its time for Julie to catch up on her reading or listening to podcasts – I think that there are a few good one out there 🙂

    That said – this in no reason to stop eating healthy an going back to the junk food! Keep trying to stay on the plan!


  2. 2
    love handles Says:


    Hope your wife and baby are healthy.

    I’m sure you would’ve given a sweet name to your kid:)


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