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Archive for the 'Food' Category

27 Jun

Food: Graham Kerr and Food Preferences

Another great article from Carrie. I’m an adventurous cook, but a lot of the time when I’m busy I don’t stop to smell the turnips. Something that helps me mix up my meal planning is just having a handy list of things other than cheese, chocolate, and carbs, to put in my dinners. My husband […]

26 Jun

Food: Veggies and Community Supported Agiculture

What follows is a guest article that was sent to me last week. Carolyn is a recent listener and has offered to submit some of here thoughts and experiences to share with everyone here. You can normally find her at www.serenityfirefly.com Thanks, Carrie! I have a very food-focused perspective when it comes to healthy eating […]

07 Jun

Recipe: Fennel and Orange Salad

Submitted by Ivo Fermat, as heard by Paul Maki (author of Really Big Things, a Serial available as part of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast www.jackmangan.com) 2 fennel bulbs 15 oz can of mandarin oranges 1 lemon 2 Tbsp Olive oil Cut off the stalks and root ends of the fennel bulbs. (I bet you could […]

17 May

Recipe: Cinnamon Oranges

This looks like an insanely easy snack, and one that I will try tonight. I’ll report on my results in tomorrow’s podcast. In the future, I’ll sample the recipes before featuring them. I found this treat at Recipezaar.com. I’m not sure that I like their interface, but the filtering options are great! Sliced oranges topped […]

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