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26 Jun

Food: Veggies and Community Supported Agiculture

What follows is a guest article that was sent to me last week. Carolyn is a recent listener and has offered to submit some of here thoughts and experiences to share with everyone here.

You can normally find her at www.serenityfirefly.com

Thanks, Carrie!

I have a very food-focused perspective when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss. I love to eat, but I’m not terribly willing to give up any food completely. I’ve noticed that when we have at least one vegetable side dish with the main “meat,” it helps us fill up and eat less of the higher calorie stuff.

However, veggies are not usually my first choice when I’m cooking and in a hurry. So one of my goals this summer is to eat my veggies.

One way that I’m doing that this summer is by joining a CSA. CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a way to buy “shares” in a local farm, and then they supply you with veggies, and sometimes fruits, on a weekly basis through the spring, summer, and fall.

I’m in my third week of participating in my local CSA. And it’s going great. I pick up my share weekly, in a spot centrally located in the city where I live. I get a nice supply of fresh vegetables weekly, and it’s pre paid. So I feel really guilty if I let them rot in my
crisper drawer.

It’s also helping me use more variety in my cooking and meal planning, without sacrificing flavor. I’ve already made some stir-fried baby bok choy and a lot of other side dishes from the veggies I’ve gotten so far.

For people who don’t want to commit to a CSA, a farmer’s market is also a good place to find fresh and exciting foods.

Here is a link where you can search for CSAs and Farmer’s markets across the US. http://www.localharvest.org/

5 Responses to “Food: Veggies and Community Supported Agiculture”

  1. 1
    CarrieP Says:

    Thanks for posting the blurb, Tony! Just picked up this weeks’ vegetables yesterday. I got swiss chard, peas, new potatoes, lettuce, and some strawberries! Good stuff.

  2. 2
    CarrieP Says:

    and good luck with the CSTS raffle!

  3. 3
    Tony Says:

    Sounds like a good mix of veggies. I need to do some more research into CSAs in my area. The only ones listed on the site seem to have outdated information.

  4. 4
    Dani in NC Says:

    Unfortunately, I let veggies rot even if I have paid good money for them. I’m better off sticking with canned or frozen.

  5. 5
    CarrieP Says:

    I do a lot of meal planning in advance, so that helps me use the veggies. But frozen are definitely cool, too. And out of season, much tastier.

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