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27 Jun

Food: Graham Kerr and Food Preferences

Another great article from Carrie.

I’m an adventurous cook, but a lot of the time when I’m busy I don’t stop to smell the turnips. Something that helps me mix up my meal planning is just having a handy list of things other than cheese, chocolate, and carbs, to put in my dinners.

My husband and I just filled out a food preference sheet put together by Graham Kerr. He’s the former Galloping Gourmet from television, and now promotes a healthy lifestyle. The sheet lists about a hundred different food items– fruits, vegetables, meats, as well as flavors– sweet, sour, spicy.

The idea is to “profile” the variety of foods that you like, to try to vary your diet. It helps to give you a clear idea of what healthier items you like to help you to choose those items, and also include
them in meal planning. For example, my husband does not like sweet flavors in his main dishes, but I’m fine having, say, a honey sauce with my roast chicken.

The food preference sheet can be printed off from Kerr’s Web Site, as a pdf file, or you can register and use the interactive version. Both versions are free.

It’s definitely more of an organizational tool more than anything, but good to have on hand to inspire creativity. Here’s the liink:


One Response to “Food: Graham Kerr and Food Preferences”

  1. 1
    Liz Says:

    Planning is good in every life aspect, including food! I’ll definitely check out the food preference sheet. After all, planning what you eat is a preparation for your healthy self! Here’s something you might wanna include in your future food plans. I work with Bon Appetit and we’re running a sweepstakes where a lucky food fan will win a trip to NY, have lunch with the Bon Appetit editors in their culinary studio and tour the Food Network Studios. They’ve already planned it out for you! Here’s the link: http://condenast.eprize.net/bonappetit/index.tbapp?affiliate_id=1i
    Good luck and Bon Appetit!

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