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11 Nov

TLI Episode 035: November 11, 2008

I’m back.

I’m sniffly, but I’m back. This episode is an update and a reminder about the purpose of TLI. I also give my scale reading to let you guys know where I’m starting from this time around.

The mountain is a bit higher this time, but I’ve taken my first steps onto it. Hope there are still a few of you guys out there.

Let me know if you are still with me, and if you have made any positive steps on your own journeys.

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 035: November 11, 2008”

  1. 1
    Ed from Texas Says:

    [Agent Smith]
    Welcome back, Mr. Mast. We missed you.
    [/Agent Smith]

    Glad to hear that you are getting back on the program. It’s a tough thing to have slid back so far. I certainly haven’t done as well this year as I’d hoped, either. But, we’re still breathing, so we still have a chance to make a change, don’t we?

  2. 2
    Tony Says:

    You are absolutely right about that. This has always been a journey. Like any good fantasy journey, I stepped off for a side quest or two before stepping back onto the road, perhaps more worse for wear than when I left it, but certainly wiser for it.

    I’m in, I’m back, and I’m thankful for everyone along for the ride with me.

    Thanks, Ed!

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