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10 Mar

TLI Episode 034: March 10, 2008

The culmination of generous donations of time, assistance, cash, and promo playing lead to the fantastic success of Fear the Froot I.

I’ve already got volunteers and people ready to pitch in for the next one and we are only two days out of the first.

This episode is my convention and event recap for Fear the Con I and Fear the Froot I.

Thank you everyone for supporting this experiment. We succeeded!

4 Responses to “TLI Episode 034: March 10, 2008”

  1. 1
    RobJustice Says:

    Thanks for the fruit, Tony! It was a great change of pace from candy! For my money, it was one of the highlights of the Con.

  2. 2
    Stacey Says:

    I realized after I got home from the con that all I had eaten all day was half a cheeseburger and an apple you pushed in my hands! Thanks for the fruit and double thanks for bringing the leftover concessions to the shelter. You are a top notch guy!

  3. 3
    Ed from Texas Says:

    Tony, I’ve given to many causes and this is one of the few cases where I’ve gotten such a thorough explanation of all the good that the money did. Hopefully all those apples will keep the doctor away for another day and the gamers will live to fight a bit longer.

  4. 4
    Your Morning Head: Fear The Con 2 - Ideology of Madness Says:

    […] absent from 2009 is Tony Mast and his Fear the Froot basket.  Gotta say, Tony fed the gamers last year with healthy snacks.  He loaded me up on […]

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