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Archive for the 'Cool Thing' Category

13 Jun

Cool Thing: Polar F55

Ok, so weight-loss drugs aren’t necessarily the best idea, but this is just COOL. First, I want to give a special thanks to Michael R. Mennenga of Slice of SciFi, Wingin’ It, and all around cool guy. Michael pointed this cool toy out to me, and now I WANT ONE. The Polar F55 is a […]

29 May

Cool Thing: Boot Camp

So apparently I’m not the only one going through this type of program. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18909564/ There are two things worth noting in the article. First, I’m apparently one of the few guys who is doing something like this. I do sometimes have a problem admitting I’m wrong, but there is no denying that I’m overweight, out […]

22 May

Cool Thing: Treadmill Desk

Thanks to my wife, Julie who pointed this one out to me. There has been a study conducted about a new product designed by the Mayo Clinic. The Treadmill Desk would allow someone to lose up to 66 lbs per year just by walking while you work. Check out the link below for a picture […]

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