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29 May

Cool Thing: Boot Camp

So apparently I’m not the only one going through this type of program.


There are two things worth noting in the article. First, I’m apparently one of the few guys who is doing something like this. I do sometimes have a problem admitting I’m wrong, but there is no denying that I’m overweight, out of shape and need the exercise. At this point it’s not a problem asking for help, it’s a matter of where I’m going to find the help.

Second, my company is sponsoring the current Boot Camp I am participating in, so I don’t have the faintest clue how much it costs around here.

One Response to “Cool Thing: Boot Camp”

  1. 1
    Dani in NC Says:

    I believe that my husband is the type who wouldn’t take a class. He doesn’t exercise as often as he should, but when he does he feels that having a partner slows him down. A whole class would probably drive him nuts.

    I’ve never taken a class myself (other than tap dancing) but I wouldn’t mind trying it. There was a time when I would have been embarrassed if I couldn’t keep up, but now I figure that even my stumbling counts as exercise!

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