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12 Jan

TLI Episode 037: January 12, 2009

Back again… slightly different focus this time around… at least in the short term.

I forgot to mention when I recorded. After last week’s BSP recording, Adam and I braved the frickin’ cold and did a couple of laps around the block. Got almost a mile and a half in.

Thanks for listening!

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 037: January 12, 2009”

  1. 1
    Ed from Texas Says:


    Sorry to hear it’s been a rough time since last show. But, you sound it pretty good spirits and doing what you need to be doing. I look forward to the imminent new job announcement post!

    Take care and hang in there.

  2. 2
    Tony Says:

    Thanks, Ed.

    Yeah, it’s a rough time and I know I’m not the only one going through this.

    I hope that we all find jobs soon.

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