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11 Jun

TLI Episode 009: June 11, 2007

Welcome to anyone who might have heard the new promo.

To those who haven’t heard the promo, I’ll figure out a way to link it somewhere on the website.

This episode is basically a reiteration of what the podcast is about. Also, please remember if you have any cool things, news, recipes or music that you would like to contribute, shoot me a note.

Thanks for listening!

One Response to “TLI Episode 009: June 11, 2007”

  1. 1
    Dani in NC Says:

    Slacks? OMG, who says slacks these days? :-).

    You mentioned that you are thinking about one meal at a time. I try to do the same thing. My husband does all the grocery shopping and he doesn’t always follow my lists. That means I could have one very healthy week followed by a week of junk food. Rather than drive myself crazy, I decided to just focus on one meal at a time and try to make the healthiest choices I can for that meal.

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