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08 Jun

TLI Episode 008: June 8, 2007

Happy Friday!

The promo is done, and hopefully you’ll start hearing it all over soon.

If you are a podcaster interested in playing the promo, shoot me a note and I’ll make sure you get it.

This was a good week. Two Boot Camp sessions and some good news that I’lll be talking about in the next week or so.

One Response to “TLI Episode 008: June 8, 2007”

  1. 1
    Dani in NC Says:

    I’ve have the Biggest Loser DVD. I think it is pretty good, but it hurts my back. The routines have you spend a long time in sort of a half-crouch, like you are about to sit in a chair but stop before your butt hits the seat. You are a veteran of Boot Camp, though, so it may be easy for you.

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