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Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category

23 Mar

TLI Episode 052: March 23, 2011

Just a week shy of a milestone, not one based on weightloss, just based on hangin’ around on the planet. Weigh-in this week is 373.6.  I’m down over 31 lbs. since Christmas! Still have a way to go, but this journey has begun and I’m VERY happy to be on it.

04 Mar

TLI Episode 051: March 4, 2011

This week’s weigh-in: 376.2.  Only down .6 lbs, but that’s all heading in the right direction. Thanks for listening!

25 Feb

TLI Episode 050: February 24, 2011

Wow… it’s been a while. I hope that I can keep up with it this time and I hope that my recent successes can inspire me to keep losing and to keep recording!

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