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18 Jun

TLI Episode 011: June 18, 2007

Ok, so my experiment didn’t work, and I am back on www.thedailyplate.com tracking my intake.

I need to schedule workouts into my life and schedule more than just the two hours a week I was doing during the boot camp.

This one is a bit shorter and stuffier.

So, how are you guys doing? Have a nice weekend? I did! Julie, Holden and the-baby-to-be-named-later got me a Nikon Coolpix L10 for Father’s Day. I wanted a compact (fits in my pocket) camera that took gook pictures. This isn’t the “GOOD” camera, Julie got a really nice Sony about 2 years ago, and that’s the good camera. This is the one that I get to take to cons and start collecting pictures of some of the cool people I’ve met and amazing costumes I’ve seen.

2 Responses to “TLI Episode 011: June 18, 2007”

  1. 1
    Ed from Texas Says:

    Well, the important thing is to hang in there. And, dammit, it was Father’s Day after all.

    Good call on the 2nd camera. I too picked up a compact Canon camera to go anywhere. Much easier to keep in the pocket than the big Nikon.

  2. 2
    Dani in NC Says:

    Food journaling: I’ve stumbled more times than I can count. Always remember that on this health journey we are supposed to be tortoises, not hares.

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