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21 Jun

Exercise: Home Gym without the price of a Gym

Now that the Boot Camp is over, I have been struggling with how I wanted to continue the exercise portion of my weight loss.

It’s amazing how much personal trainers or even the membership to a gym costs (especially when you figure in sign up fees and contracts lengths.)

My lovely wife, Julie, pointed me to an article from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s website that gives you ten workouts that you can do in your home. Each workout lists a description of how to do the workout, what you’ll need, and what you won’t need (Have a step in your house, kiss a stair walking machine goodbye.)

Ready the full article here:

One Response to “Exercise: Home Gym without the price of a Gym”

  1. 1
    Lucias Says:

    As I’m getting a bit bored of doing strictly cardio on our treadmill, I recently invested in a home gym…the budget way.

    I picked up a swiss ball for $20 and a 40lb dumbell set for $45. These little investments are going to vastly broaden my home workout potential.

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