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15 May

TLI Episode 000: Welcome

This is it. The beginning of my journey.

If you decide to join me on it, drop me a note: tony’slosingit@gmail.com (drop the apostrophe) or leave a message in the comments.

Thanks for stopping by to check out the show!

3 Responses to “TLI Episode 000: Welcome”

  1. 1
    Stu Says:

    Good luck Tony, though I’m sure you won’t need it 🙂

  2. 2
    Tony Says:

    Thanks Stu!

    It’s going to be a long road, but one I’m willing to walk… perhaps soon jog… hell maybe someday even run down.

  3. 3
    Stu Says:

    I’m with you on exercising for exercising’s sake being boring as hell too 😉

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