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24 May

Recipe: Baked Spicy Fries

I’ve found another recipe that I want to share, I’ll be trying it sometime over this long weekend.

I found this one on www.low-fat-recipes.com. I’m always looking for something to have as a side. It’s easier to find some fairly simple entrees. Plain old veggies get old as a side, so I this seems like a really good alternative. It’s not something you necessarily want to have in abundance, but as a side it sounds great. I’ll have a review for Baked Spicy Fries on the podcast as soon as I’m able to get them cooked up.

Baked Spicy Fries
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes (in a 35 degree oven, so I’m thinking that this would be great to have along with chicken breasts baking at the same time
As the recipe reads at http://www.low-fat-recipes.com/alacarte/baked-spicy-fries.htm
Servings: 4
Fat 4 g
Calories 185
Fiber 4.3g

If you have a recipe for me to review and feature on the site, please email it to tony’slosingit@gmail.com (drop the apostrophe).

One Response to “Recipe: Baked Spicy Fries”

  1. 1
    Dani in NC Says:

    This is a pretty standard recipe for baked fries. Once you oil the potatoes, you can use any seasoning you want. There is a company that makes something called Greek seasoning that works well.

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