Reporting An Insurance Claim
Reporting An Automobile Insurance Claim
If you have had an automobile accident and your vehicle is drivable, most companies offer drive in claims services to expedite the process of getting your vehicle seen by an adjuster. If it is not drivable, you should contact us
as soon as possible so that we may direct you to the quickest way to resolve your loss. If it is after hours, you may contact our emergency service by dialing our office number and following the prompts. Alternatively, you
may call your insurance company directly as many companies offer 24 hour claims service. Please refer to our links and resources section.
You may also want to fill out the Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report Form (Download).
Reporting A Homeowners Insurance Claim
In the event of a loss to your home, always make sure to do what ever needs to be done to secure your property immediately after the loss to prevent further damage. It is also a good idea to take photos of the damages prior to making any repairs. You should never throw away any items that you will be making a claim for until they have been seen by an adjuster. Remember to contact our office as soon as possible to report all losses. Please refer to the links and resources for cleaning companies in the event of smoke, water or fire clean up.
Reporting A Business Insurance Claim
Whether it's an automobile accident, workers compensation claim and/or property losses, remember to contact our office as soon as possible so that we can assist you to the quickest way to get your loss resolved.
Do You Have Insurance Claim Questions?
Call or email our Massachusetts insurance professionals today.

Important Insurance
Claim Contact Numbers
Safety Insurance
Safety Glass
Quincy Mutual
Quincy Mutual Glass
Hingham Mutual
NLC New London County
MASS Property
Narragansett Bay
Helpful Insurance
Claim Forms
Theft Statement - Homeowners
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report Form - Automobile
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Workers Compensation Insurance, Employer's First Report of Injury, 5 or More Days Lost Wages or Fatality Form 101
Signup/Register And Fillout A Form On
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Workers Compensation Insurance, Medical Only Injuries Form 110